What is the true measure of a life well-lived?

What is the true measure of a life well-lived?
BY AUTHOR: hi readers, i want you to know that this is NOT AI-WRITTEN, manually written by me!

Silence fell; I could only listen to the voices descending around me, moving away from the place. I wondered why their voices were full of sadness and despair. Even though it was completely dark in front of my eyes, I could feel that their eyes were full of tears. They looked as if they had lost someone they loved dearly, ready to do anything just to bring their loved one back from the gods. But what might have been troubling them? Whom did they lose? I wanted to know. But something was pulling me from within, preventing me from getting up. To be frank, I had no intention of leaving there. My eyes could not see anything except for the colour of the universe, a universe without playing angels dressed like stars, no smiling sun, not even glowing comets. It was like being in a cage with concrete black walls. In a few words, it felt like being trapped in the hearts of rude men, whose hearts had never known any kindness, never allowing others to be kind.

But back to my current situation, as I dictate my story, it's strange, but I felt the urge to get up. I knew it was hard, but without pain, we can never achieve success. Let me give you an example: have some sugar, you feel sweet but not fulfilled, right? Now have a chilli, then take a bite of a sugar cube; tell me the kind of feeling you get. That's why we have to work hard, feel pain. I woke up, but the thick walls didn’t let me escape easily. I tried my best, but the answer was no. I told myself not to give up, tried again, but those thick, woody walls weren't ready to give up so easily, pushing me to my utmost effort. Suddenly, I heard a cracking sound—yes, I did it! I emerged. This shows the power of perseverance and dedication. Now I know what my power is: the tougher the problems you face, the more powerful you become! There's no need to complain about the difficulty; God chose you because you are capable of handling it. So, don't give up; find the key and move on! Because once you solve the problem, you won’t be the same person; you'll have the power to fight the problem, create a solution, and give your best!

Finally, I emerged, but what I saw was unexpected. I couldn’t even imagine what happened next. It was so terrifying that I'm sure your ears aren’t strong enough to hear it.

I was in a GRAVEYARD! Did you expect this plot twist? The thick wooden doors were the walls of my coffin! Wait, am I dead? What the hell is happening to me? I remember sleeping in my bedroom last night. Is this a prank? I started to search for my friends! Ambi? Rayo? Shea? I caught you, why are you hiding behind the tree? Come out! But no sound was heard except for my deep, faint voice. I fell down and started crying out of frustration! I wouldn’t have died so soon. I am still a 35-year-old young man! There are people who are 150+ but still living their lives to the fullest! Why, God? Why? Why did you choose me? I wanted to do so much for my family! I wanted to live my life to the fullest! I didn’t expect this! Wiping away my tears, I started to dig up the mud, but I was just a soul; I can’t do anything without my body. My body is stuffed in that cold, dark coffin. I was hopeless, helpless at that point in time. Crying bitterly was my only choice, but even that cry was a soundless voice. Not even a dog could hear it. Now I understand whose voices those were that I heard at first.

When feelings of hatred toward God were dancing in my mind, I heard a gracious, calm voice from nowhere, which said, “Dear child! No one can predict when they come or when they go! It's me who writes their fate. You foolish humans waste your hard-earned money on living forever. But to speak the truth, I can make you dead even if you're living at 200 or just 2 days from your birth. No one can question me. Instead of seeking eternal life, seek happiness. Desire is the main cause of sadness. Live this short life to the fullest, because no one other than me knows when I will take you from the human world! I understand your frustration, my child! So, I will grant you 2 days to live your life to the fullest, but not with your body. Roam around as a soul! Take care.”

For me, this was not a boon; it was a bane! I can’t bear to see the despair on the faces of my children and wife; it's like sticking a dagger into me. They can’t see me, hear me, feel me, sense me, or even speak with me! What is the use of these two days?

What is the use of my money, which I saved from my first day until now? Where will it go? I sacrificed all my desires just to save that money. I deprived myself of food; I didn’t even buy a bicycle for my child to save that huge amount of money. I didn’t buy some jewellery for my wife, which she never asked for in front of me but always wanted. Why did I even save that much money instead of using it to see that cute smile of happiness and satisfaction on my loved ones? I am of no use now. I never once left my family to enjoy, always thinking they spend too much. What kind of person am I? I am the most foolish, the proven failed father and husband. My desire for money kept my family away from their desires, from their joy.

Filled with regret, I wandered the graveyard for a night, a silent observer of my grieving family. I witnessed their pain, their unanswered questions, and a truth dawned on me: material possessions hold no weight against the love and connection I neglected.

I started to roam out of the graveyard, accepting my fate. I saw my neighbour, who was kind to me, but I never reciprocated. Alas! I regret that now, but I can’t do anything about it. I just watched him grieving. I still remember the day when I berated him for his little plant encroaching on my garden. It didn’t even extend an inch beyond his garden, but I scolded him nonetheless. I spoke falsely to prove him wrong and shouted at him. What kind of man am I? I am ashamed to speak of these things here. But he never showed any anger toward me. I could see the tears in his eyes and the pain in his heart at losing me, even though I was always harsh with him. What a kind-hearted soul he is! He surely has a place reserved for himself in peaceful heaven.

Walking down the street, I came to a small colony. Counting seven streetlights, I reached a banyan tree, and beneath it, I saw Sami. He is known for his special Gobi Manchurian. If you have ever tasted a bite of his Gobi Manchurian, you would always salivate at the aroma. He is so famous that he only comes once a week and works for only three hours, yet earns more than me. I remember my daughter urging me to get one plate, which hardly costs 200 rupees. But I, always wanting to save money for no reason, yelled at her and said it was bad for her health. Every Friday (the day he comes), my little daughter goes to the street just to savour that aroma. I feel so remorseful now, but I never felt anything when I actually saw her in that way.

Beneath the banyan tree, I walked straight through the houses and streets. I came across a magnificent shoe shop. To be honest, I love shoes more than anything. I always wanted to buy myself a pair of Adidas shoes, the cheapest possible ones. Who doesn’t want to feel the comfort of expensive shoes? I could have gone out with them, played cricket with them. Everyone would have been mesmerised by those dazzling shoes. I get excited just thinking about them. But now, in reality, with my cold, dead legs lying in a dark coffin, I can't wear those shoes. I remember bringing money to buy them after 10 years of saving. I opened the door of the shop, gazed at its beautiful walls, and was hypnotised by all the varieties of shoes. But at the last moment, my mind told me to save the money, and it's all gone now. I have nothing. I saved, saved, saved all the money! What for? What's the use of it? I know more people will do the same. I can't teach them from my experience, can I? What's the point of asking if I am already dead?

I've seen many people saving their money for dreams, but can they guarantee they'll have enough time to fulfil their dreams in this short life? If you ask me, the answer is a straight no! And the living proof is me. Should I be sad that I died, or should I be happy that God gave me two more days to live after my death? Should I say it's because of my good deeds that I got two more days? Or should I say it's because of my bad deeds that I died so young? You, the people, decide. The power lies in you. Let me end this with a small question: "What is the true measure of a life well-lived?"
